We offer bundle deals to buy more and save on your favorite products! In order for a bundle deal to apply, all products included in the bundle deal must be regular priced, even the free item.
In order to activate the bundle deal, you must put all the necessary products in your cart before the free item appears (i.e. add four hair bars to your cart).
Please note, the website may distribute the savings over all items in the bundle, for example, you may see 4 soaps at 6.37 instead of 3 soaps at 8.50 and 1 free.
Since most of our bundle deals are mix and match, all items you're expecting to receive need to be added to the cart in order for the warehouse to know what to include in your package! We will not guess or automatically add on the free item of the bundle deal. If the free item is not shown on your order, we will not ship it separately.
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